招待講演/Plenary Talk
Dr. Gaëtanelle Gilquin, (Professor, the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Profile: https://perso.uclouvain.be/gaetanelle.gilquin/
Title: What norms for language learners? A corpus-based research and teaching perspective
After her plenary talk, Dr. Gilquin will join the following symposium.
Dr. Marie-Luise Pitzl (Research Ferrow, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria)
Profile: https://marieluisepitzl.org/
Title: Exploring VOICE 3.0: Implications for ELF and learner corpus research
Chair/ Discussant
Dr. Ishikawa, Shin’ichiro (Professor, Kobe University)
Profile: http://language.sakura.ne.jp/s/profile.html