(1) 発表A(新規の学術的知見の報告)20分
(2) 発表B(コーパス・分析手法・ツール・プロジェクト等の紹介)(※既発表の内容を含むことも可)20分
(3) 発表C(進行中の分析等の中間報告を行い参加者と議論)20分
0) 発表内容は本会の目的に沿ったものであること。
1) 発表言語で記述。
2) 文字のみ(図版なし)。
3) 日本語200-300字,英語100-200 words。字数に参考文献は含まない。
4) 発表Aは目的・データ・手法・結果を明記。発表B、Cは紹介内容を記述。
5) 参考文献は概要には含まない。別項目に記載。
6) Wordなどで作成して語数を確認後に申込フォームに貼り付ける。
→ JAECS 48th 発表申込フォーム
第1次締切 2022年7月31日(土)23:59
2022年度大会でも Proceedings of the JAECS 48th Conference を刊行します(電子公開)。
→ JAECS 48th 予稿集テンプレート
投稿期限は2022年9月11日です。実行委員会予稿集担当(愛知大学 鎌倉義士:jaecs48proceedings@gmail.com)までWordとPDFの2つをお送りください。
Call For Papers
The first presenter should be a JAECS member who have completed payment of the 2022 membership fee; and only the JAECS members can submit presentation proposal. If needed, you can invite non-members as your co-presenters.
●Presentation Type
(1) Presentation A (Report of new research findings)20 min.
(2) Presentation B (Introduction of a corpus, tool, method, project, etc.) 20 min.
(3) Presentation C (WIP: Work in Progress Report and discussion with audience) 20 min.
Note 1: The language used for presentation should be English or Japanese.
Note 2: The length shown above (20 min./ 60 min.) includes the time for Q&A and/or Discussion with audience. Presenters can decide the length of QAD. The committee may adjust the lengths of different types of presentations.
●Presentation Method
Please deliver your talk during the time shown in the conference program. You need to share your screen and talk live or play the prerecorded video by yourself. A stable Internet connection is needed. Please note that the presentation time will not be extended even if you face some internet connection trouble.
Parallel sessions are planned.
●Presentation Abstract
0) The content of the presentation should be in line with the aim of the JAECS.
1) Write in the language used for presentation.
2) Text only.
3) 200-300 letters in Japanese or 100-200 words in English.
4) [Type A] Clearly show the aim, data, methods, and results. [Type B/C] Clearly show the content of what you will introduce.
5) References should not be included in the abstract.
6) Prepare your abstract on the MS Word, and after checking the number of letters/ words, copy & past it to the online form.
Please send your abstract to the site below.
→ JAECS 48th Presentation Proposal Submission Form
23:59, Saturday, July 31, 2022
We may extend the deadline only when the number of submission is not enough. We strongly recommend you to submit your proposal as soon as possible.
Presenters can submit their papers (4 pages or 6 pages) for the conference proceedings, which will be published in e-format.
JAECS 48th Conference Proceedings Template
The deadline for submitting your paper is September 11, 2022. Please send the MS Word and PDF files to the conference organizer (Kamakura Yoshihito, Aichi University:jaecs48proceedings@gmail.com).